Talent Tracking System Functions

The Talent Tracking System contains the following functions:

Athletes personal data

Name, adress and e-mailadress of the talented athlete and those involved with the athlete. This provides the possibility for fast, easy and reliable communication between actors.

Yearly calender

The yearly calender gives an overview of planned (training) activities

Training attendance

Provides the athletes the possibility to communicate a leave of absence (with subsequent motivation). This provides those involved a quick and uncomplicated insight on training attendance.


Here the medical staff and athletes can report on injuries an athlete picked up as well as the progress of recovery.

Sports activity overview

All exercise and sporting activities done by the athletes can be mapped here, providing a quick and uncomplicated insight on weekly physical exertion.

Monthly reports

After every training the athletes report about the trained facets established on the six sports-attributes: physical, technical, tactical, social, mental and general. They can also leave personal notes (pointers given to them by their trainer or based on their own experiences.) and all of this will reported under monthly reports. 

Personal interviews

Personal interviews between the talented athletes and those involved (coaches, trainers, teachers etc) can be added here.


In TTS talented athletes can evaluate themselves as well as get an evaluation by those who are involved with the athlete. Evaluation takes place based on questions which will be established on the six sports-attributes: physical, technical, tactical, social, mental and general. A valuation can be reproduced in a clear, easy to read graph.

Athlete Dashboard

In TTS all the data acquired on a talented athlete will be compressed and placed on the athlete's own dashboard. On the dashboard you directly have dynamic access to the most important data on the talented athletes. This realizes a quick transition from a global to a detailed level.

Notifications blackboard

In TTS offers the possibility for certain parties (such as trainers or coaches) to leave an announcement on the Notifications blackboard. Each group withing

E-Mail function

In TTS offers an ideal solution to communicate between everyone involved. Whether to contact an individual, several people or even groups in- or excluding those involved. The e-mail function can be accessed both web based as well as through outlook.


Now it is also possible to save and view videos per individual or group, within the TalentTrackingSystem.

Verbeter Presteren

TTS is part of Verbeter Presteren


TOT Willem II/RKC NHV NJBB NKB KNKV Belcampo RTCN BPL Stadjershal Groningen